Madness or Talking Heads?

Why did I name this blog that way?

Monday, December 10, 2007

Gentlemen, Pull Out Your Wallets!

This retaining wall will be a saga of its own. It started to look like "more of a project" when we tried to plan some steps from the lower parking area to the upper main entry. This is the first run of retaining wall blocks as it sits right now:

As you can see, there is plenty of hillside to hold back, located just behind and above. There is a lot of labor & materials in this retaining wall, and Kincaid has asked us to share in the cost. At this point, we are considering two options: a) do something really big & really expensive. b) do something not as big & somewhat expensive.

I'll let you know what we decide...meanwhile the is the first extra expense we are facing. Let's hope the surprises don't keep coming...

Plumbing Complete!

All plumbing located under the slabs is now complete. They will have inspection tomorrow morning & with sign-off, we should be talking slabs very soon! Crossing our fingers for good weather...

Last week's storm dumped so much water on the lot - it really provided an opportunity to see how water will want to flow on the property. Our new drain system did its job well. There were signs of quite a lot of water moving down hill, but it all went were it was supposed to. With all the new topsoil freshly graded out, there was a lot of water holding in that hillside. Thankfully, it didn't go anywhere!