Madness or Talking Heads?

Why did I name this blog that way?

Sunday, January 6, 2008

A note on the slab construction

I didn't get pics before it all got covered up, but I wanted to describe how the slabs were done. Kincaid likes really tight, really efficient homes, so in order to improve the R-value (insulation ability) of the slab, he put down a plastic moisture barrier, with a layer of foam insulation on top of that. Then, concrete is poured over the top. This approach dramatically improves the R-value of just straight concrete slab.
Later in construction they will shoot foam insulation throughout, removing the need to use any rolls of that "pink stuff" in the walls. They are one of the few builders in this area doing spray foam insulation (perhaps the only?). The R-value of that setup is really high, so our electricity bill should be pretty manageable.

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